Cryptobase is the best way to keep track of the values of all your cryptocurrency wallets, check cryptocurrency prices, read latest news about cryptocurrencies and get cryptocurrencies price alerts. It will help to get overview of your crypto portfolio holdings by checking in the respective block explorers and archive your wallet information in you mobile for an easy checking at every time.
Do not miss out on the cryptocurrency revolution, as cryptocurrency grows people need an application to be able to keep up with prices,news and their wallets easily. This app provides you with an opportunity to provide the application to people and in return you can make money from showing advertisement in the app from google admob, the more your app grows, the more money you make. This app doesn’t require any server side coding which makes it easy to setup for zero cost and also enables you to scale to as many users as you can without spending a dime.
Cryptobase features
✓ Cryptocurrency prices: View 1000+ cryptocurrency prices with their percentage change in the last hour,day,week or months
✓ Cryptocurrency Charts: View particular coin charts,market cap and transaction overview.
✓ Portfolio overview: View your holdings in one place with pie chart.
✓ Easy manage: Manage your wallets in one click.
✓ Price Alert: You can easily set an alert to get notified when crypto price changes.
✓ News: You can easily read the latest and breaking news concerning all cryptocurrencies.
✓ Support 15+ wallets: You can easily track following wallets using public address: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Ripple, Dash, XEM, Stellar, Doge, NEO, ZCash, Ada. e.t.c
✓ ERC20 token support
✓ Wallet Barcode scanner: All data stored in your mobile only. No information is stored in any external servers.
✓ Google Adbmob:Smart advertisements has been placed in the app, both banner ads and interstitial admob to generate great revenues for the app owner
✓ Display portfolio value in 5+ currency you choose: USD, EUR, GBP, INR, CNY, JPY, RUB.
✓ Anonymous: No registration needed.
✓ Security: All data stored in your mobile only. No information is stored in any external servers.
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