Are you searching for an application that is feature rich,powerful and can take your bussiness to success?
Well congratulations your search is now over!
Codeslu got your back with Vox an incrideble Audio-Chat based Application and the only ClubHouse Clone Available on Codecanyon right now!
An Application created for the sole porpuse to get your bussiness to Skyrocket into success
Cloning the infamous Clubhouse application
A hand tailored Application with performance being its highest priority,Crushing the competition and granting the best user experience
Being Google Firebase dependent the app doesn’t require any external servers that require a huge starting budget for maintainence,monitoring .. etc
Further more It can handle 100+K Online users once,because it is Google Firebase dependent
And the best part yet you can start using Firebase free qouta with 0$ .No extra costs, No Subscriptions
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